RDY Thomas Müller

Vous êtes RDY ? Notre repas buvable High Protein RDY : développé avec le champion du monde de football Thomas Müller.

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Thomas Müller | ESN: All RDY benefits

The RDY Protein Meal, our high protein drink meal that replaces a balanced meal. Here you can find all Benefits at a glance.

Everything at a glance

  • 1 RDY = 1 balanced meal
  • Developed with football world champion Thomas Müller
  • With 38g Protein¹
  • 26 Micronutrients & Minerals
  • Saturates for several hours
  • Delicious taste
  • With functional ingredients
  • No added sugar, lactose & gluten
  • Practical for on the go
  • Great variety of flavors

Thomas Müller | ESN

As Football World ChampionThomas Müller has a strong awareness of healthy nutrition, embodies a balanced lifestyle and maximum performance and is therefore the epitome of RDY. Because it is always ready to perform at his best. Together with ESN, he has developed RDY Protein Meal, a high protein drink meal. This enables him to in stressful everyday life your own high demands to meet the needs of a balanced diet.

1 RDY = 1 balanced meal

From now on, your breakfast, lunch or dinner is calorie-optimized: With 495 kcal per 500 ml-Bottle RDY provides you with an optimally balanced calorie intake for a full meal, which makes energy supply and weight management much easier. We recommend consuming it in the morning, at lunchtime or as a snack.

Saturates for several hours

RDY not only provides a pleasant feeling of fullness immediately after consumption, but is also long-lasting feeling of satiety from several hours designed to Avoid food cravings and to get you through active days. This is mainly due to the fact that compared to other liquid meals up to 46% higher Fiber content


RDY is your more than filling high protein drink meal – because it contains up to 12% more high-quality protein than comparable liquid meals.2 This makes it ideal for active people, athletes – and beneficial for all. Provide yourself with strong 38g Protein¹ for optimal support of your Muscles and Bone

Delicious taste

"It has to taste good, otherwise I won't drink it,"says Thomas Müller. He helped develop the taste of our RDY himself. The higher taste intensity and more intense sweetness are also functional: They result in a faster feeling of satiety.

Nutrient bomb

With his balanced combination of proteins, fiber, carbohydrates & fats, RDY puts other snacks and meals in the shade: Enriched with 26 Micronutrients & Minerals it helps you to reach your daily micronutrient requirements. Compared to other liquid meals, it scores with a higher proportion of vitamins that are involved in energy metabolism & macronutrient metabolism, as well as a higher proportion of set elements (such as calcium, magnesium, potassium).⁴

No added sugar

Delicious taste with no added sugar– that’s our RDY Protein Meal. It is perfect for anyone who wants to reduce sugar consumption without scrificing falvor. Even intolerances are no obstacle, because RDY is also lactose & gluten free.

Practical for on the go

Its ready-to-drink form makes RDY a time-saving solution for hectic days – ideal as a quick meal on the way and up travel, before or after sports, in the lunch break, during work, between other things, after long days, when you not in the mood for cooking or whenever you want an uncomplicated, delicious and healthy meal replacement.

Flavor variety

RDY not only scores with delicious taste, but also offers a lot of variety in this category: Look forward to your high protein drink meal in the varieties Milk Chocolate, Vanilla, Banana and Cinnamon Cereal.

Des questions ?

Ici, tu en apprendras plus sur nos produits.

Le RDY Protein Meal est un substitut de repas équilibré contenant tous les macro- et micronutriments essentiels tels que les protéines, les vitamines et les minéraux. Avec 495 kcal par 500 ml.

Le repas buvable te fournit l'apport calorique optimal de tous les nutriments essentiels pour un repas complet. La particularité par rapport à d'autres repas buvables comparables est que nous avons fait appel à Thomas Müller, un professionnel expérimenté de l'équipe de développement, qui sait ce qui est important dans un repas équilibré et à quel point l'alimentation est importante pour une performance maximale au quotidien et dans le sport. Le résultat : plus de protéines, plus de fibres, moins de graisses et un maximum de goût.2 Avec notre repas buvable, tu es non seulement idéalement approvisionné et rassasié pendant 3 à 5 heures, mais tu peux aussi te réjouir d'une onctuosité particulière et de délicieuses variétés.

Un RDY Protein Meal de 500 ml te fournit 38 g de protéines, jusqu'à 37 g de glucides, 12 g de précieuses fibres, jusqu'à 20 g de matières grasses ainsi que 27 vitamines et minéraux et un goût incroyablement délicieux dans de nombreuses variétés. Sans sucre ajouté, lactose et gluten.3,4

Pour tous ceux qui sont à la recherche d'un repas buvable équilibré et qui souhaitent bénéficier d'un apport optimal en micro et macronutriments tels que les protéines, les vitamines et bien plus encore, même dans le rythme effréné de la vie quotidienne ou en déplacement.